2024 WAFC PILA Goal Post Kick-start Subsidy Program

This is a preview of the WAFC PILA Goal Post Kick-Start Program form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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WAFC PILA Goal Post Subsidy

The West Australian Football Commission (WAFC), in partnership with our exclusive goal post partner PILA, are pleased to offer the 2024 Goal Post Kick-start Subsidy Program.

The subsidy program is extended to all WAFC clubs and/or affiliations, including schools and councils, as approved by WAFC.

The program will run annually over 3 years, and applicants can apply for a $1000 subsidy (Can only receive one successful grant over this period).

Eligible Products

  • 10m/6.5m or 12m/8m goal posts with sleeve or hinge bases.

How to Apply

Application is easy:

1. Complete your details
2. Tell us why your organisation needs new goal posts (max 250 words).
3. Upload a photo/s of current goal posts
4. Submit! 

About PILA

PILA is the long-standing, exclusive official goal post partner to many of the largest sporting associations in Australia. PILA products have been chosen by most major stadiums and elite venues and their high-quality, commercial-grade products are 100% designed and Made in Australia. When you purchase a PILA product, your money stays in Australia and is re-invested into grassroots sport. You receive a 7-year warranty, a certificate of compliance and you are investing in high-quality equipment that meets AFL and Australian Standards. 

PILA Website

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